Thursday, September 22, 2011


Maypole represents much more to me than just the traditions surrounding it.

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Traditionally celebrations are held to represent the first day of may (May Day). May in the UK represents the coming of warmer weather, when flowers start to blossom and the long cold winter is coming to an end for another year. Celebrations included maypole dancing and Morris dancing. maybe archery and other customs which i don't know much about such as; the crowning of the May Queen.

Herrick, a 17th century English poet wrote:
There's not a budding boy, or girl, this day,
But is got up, and gone to bring in May.
To me it means, memories.

It represents colours and happy people. Fields packed with people coming together to enjoy some dancing and some sunshine (much needed Vit D). Colours of the ribbons on the maypole (which i had the privilege of holding onto with my wee hands only once), colours of pretty summer dresses which were dying to be worn after having to wear duffel jackets and wellies.
It also represents my birth month. It aligns me to the Gemini star sign and if you believe in all that the star signs say about fave colour etc, well mine is yellow and i see it as fitting to love the daffodil since it is supposed to blossoms in spring(may) and is yellow.

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I also used to adore Morris dancing and won many medals which were sewn onto waist jackets. It was always great to wear them when dancing as they would jingle away to the rhythm of our legs.

This all brings back memories of the daisy chains that we would try and get so long or we would wear them on our heads.

This takes me back to very special days and back to my home land since i now live in Australia. I love to reminice, do you?


  1. I like what this represents :) cute blog!

    xo, Samantha

  2. To me, Mayday represents the beginning of fete season. When I was younger I was part of a baton twirling troupe that danced at fetes and carnivals and May was the month it all started.

    I no longer dance (as I have M.E. and am unable to) but would love to go to Mayday fayres - if only I could find some, as since I moved I don't know of any.
