Sunday, May 29, 2011

Off to the garden we go.

Today I had a bit of coriander to plant so I thought I would do the whole bit, check the little veggie patch for critters and turn the compost.

I thought that maybe we had eradicated the little green caterpillars with a garlic and onions spray, that my husband kindly made up for me but......

This one must have been munching for ages as its not so little. Not impressed Mr Caterpillar that my basil is in your tummy and not in mine. Think its time for another batch of spray to be made up and maybe step up the checking.

We really have the veggie patch all wrong at the moment but growing small was a smart thing to do initially to see our commitment in looking after one. I have found that I am a lazy water-er and I like the rain doing my job for me. This is so bad but true.
We are eager to grow in bigger proportions and really make it work because truthfully we have had little success. We will plan and implement a structured garden that works for us. I believe a gardener needs to be comfortable to stay at the job, so for me I need lots of shaded areas to take a rest. A nearby chair and soft areas to kneel and tend to the garden beds. I would catch water in the area where we grow so my energy isn't waisted in transporting the water. I'm not sure if their is a need for an irrigation system yet, it would depend on how it all pans out. The garden will be free from any harmful chemicals. I would like the area to be inviting for the whole family to tend to, encouraging a happy learning environment for the kids. Finally I would like to reuse materials to build the garden beds and sawdust around them to be soft under the knees and also to deter bugs.
I think I may post pics of our progress.

Oh and I wasn't too happy with the compost today, it needs some more greenery.

That's my news on the garden front today.

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