Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Gift Cards

I like to do lots of arts and crafts and I like to up cycle so this is a fun project and it reduces my curbside rubbish.
It is simple and fun for kids to do. (parents to do cutting for smaller children).
I simply cut around the middle of the bottle which makes it easier to cut card size pieces.
Ones I have the cards cut I round off the edges and use a hole puncture to make a hole on the edge to attach string or ribbon. Then the fun begins and the kids can decorate with stickers.
The stickers can be reused because they can come off the plastic easily.
The gift cards can be reused by putting them on school bags or lunch boxes to label them.
They can also be made into book marks.
I poke two little holes in the bottom of the milk bottle and place it in a pot plant to catch water when it rains. The lids i keep for hubby because he has his own project in mind.

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